Tales of a disgruntled Ex-Wife: Dr Augusta Ushie and her continuous judicial trial Against Hon ERICBONA USHIE AKA ELA IS GOOD.


Dr Augusta Ushie, the Ex wife to businessman and Politician, Hon. Ericbona Ushie, has taken up a new vocation of filling multiple charges against her ex Husband.


The Marraige between the duo was dissolved due to irreconcilable differences. Afterwards, the custody battle began and Ericbona Ushie was given the custody of their children and there, all hell let loose. 


Typical of a disgruntled ex partner, in many forums, it has been alleged that she has sworn to ensure Mr Ushie is sent behind bars.

According to her, this is the only way she will have unlimited access to the children and eventual custody. This has led to filling of numerous complaints which are still pending before various courts for determination. One of which is an alleged case of domestic violence she recently filled against a man who has not set eyes on for two(2) years also insisting that his bail application is not granted when infact such accusation is a bailable offence.l according to the laws of the land.


To further cause damage to Mr Ushie’s reputation, a frivolous petition was submitted against him which is still pending before the court for determination. 

In one of the counter affidavit against the bail application by Mr Ushie(Defendant), her lawyers captured her mind by stating that he was an influential politician and businessman and so shouldn’t be granted bail and one wonders when being a politician or successful businessman has become against Nigeria’s constitutional.

Mr Ushie had since moved on from the broken marraige and settled for a new Wife, trying to build a new home while taking great care of all his children, to him, going to Jail would be the smallest price to pay to keep his children.


To further show her desperation, Dr Augusta, after loosing the custody case to Hon. Ericbona Ushie at the HC Calabar, she proceeded to file a fresh custody case in Lagos, instead of approaching an Appeal Court.

This prompted the filing of a contempt case against her which her lawyers are battling with.

In the hearing today in the case been heard by Justice Onyebeke in Calabar, Dr Augusta was represented by Femi Falana SAN.

Regardless of all attempts to sugar-coat the facts, on a daily basis, through sponsorship of smear campaigns, cyberbullying, filing multiple frivolous petitions, the defendant (Hon. Ericbona) appears to be undeterred to protect his children from a toxic ex partner.