President Tinubu Supports Direct ECOWAS Parliament Elections


Nigeria’s President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu has promised to support a proposal for the direct election of members into the parliament of the Economic Community of West African States.

President Tinubu said this would ensure that citizens of member countries have direct say in their representation.

The Nigerian Leader made his position known during the inauguration of the Sixth Legislature of the ECOWAS Parliament, on Thursday in Abuja.

He assured members of the sixth ECOWAS Parliament that Nigeria as host of the community “will continue to support you to achieve your objectives.

“Indeed, the practice of directly electing public officials aligns with the democratic principles that Nigeria upholds, as it enhances the legitimacy of our democratic institutions.

“This principle is also in line with the spirit of the ECOWAS Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance. As a one-time legislator myself, I look forward to reviewing a proposal regarding this matter, and we stand ready to support direct elections into the ECOWAS Parliament. We believe this would ensure that citizens have a direct say in their representation – in addition to the legitimacy and credibility such a process will confer,” the President explained.

President Tinubu called on ECOWAS member states to strengthen ties, and reject forces bent on causing division within the community.

“We stand united against such forces and are committed to ensuring that our unity remains unshaken. We must ensure that cooperation amongst us is strengthened, with a view to building a sense of common destiny and purpose. No one can do this for us. We must come together.

“To this extent, reinforcing the legitimacy of the decisions taken by the Authority of Heads of State is key in sending a message that ECOWAS is one indivisible body. It is also very important that the executives, on the other hand, show similar confidence in the Parliament, which would indeed deepen democracy in our region. Meanwhile, in the midst of ongoing challenges, our partnership can be a driving force for stability, growth, and prosperity in our region,” the President said.

ECOWAS Parliament

Affirming the important role of the ECOWAS Parliament in the bloc’s journey towards a future of peace and prosperity for all, President Tinubu said success cannot be achieved without the loyal contribution and hard work of the community’s legislative agency.

He said; “Furthermore, to realize the ECOWAS ‘Vision 2050’, we require greater involvement of the people in the decision-making processes of the community. That can only be achieved through their duly-elected representatives who, being members of their national parliaments, are seconded to the community parliament. We are here, collectively, to serve all the good and great people of West Africa.”

President Tinubu said; “I am aware that the ECOWAS Parliament is seeking enhanced powers, primarily through the election of its members by direct universal suffrage. This will increase the role parliamentarian must play and the responsibilities that they will assume in advancing our regional development objectives, particularly in harmonising laws and regulations across the member states.”

The President reaffirmed Nigeria’s unwavering commitment to the aspirations of the community and the fundamental objectives the ECOWAS Parliament was established.

He said; “I would like to emphasise that, as you conduct the business of the 6th Legislature, it is my hope that your discussions will provide you the opportunity to address the prime concerns of the region and come up with resolutions that will lead to the attainment of peace and the advancement of all.

“You can stand assured that Nigeria is always ready to support the ECOWAS Parliament, in whatever endeavours you are engaged, to move the ECOWAS mission forward.”

The ECOWAS Parliament, also known as the Community Parliament, was established under Articles 6 and 13 of the ECOWAS Revised Treaty of 1993.

The initial Protocol establishing the Parliament was signed in Abuja on August 6, 1994, providing for the Structure, Composition, Competence, and other matters relating to the Parliament.

The Parliament is composed of 115 seats. Each Member State has a guaranteed minimum of five seats while the remaining 40 seats are shared based on population.

However, only 97 members, comprising lawmakers from various member states, were sworn-in on Thursday.

They include 35 members from Nigeria and five each from Benin Republic, Cabo Verde, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Sierra Leon and Togo.

Others include eight members from Ghana, seven from Cote d’Iviore and six each from Senegal and Guinea.

Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso have no representatives in the sixth parliament.