Dr Paul Ebiala Esq writes fellow constituents, supporters, congratulates Brian Odey

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate for Yala 1 state Constituency in the 2023 House of Assembly election, Dr Paul Ebiala Esq has reacted to the Appeal Court ruling which upheld the victory of Hon. Brian Odey as member representing Yala 1 State Constituency.

 Dr Ebiala in his statement commended his party leaders, supporters and his family for their unwavering support.

He also congratulated his younger cousin, Hon. Brian Odey on his Electoral fortunes. 

His statement reads;


Fellow Constituents of Yala 1 State Constituency,

I bring you warm greetings on behalf of my nuclear and extended families. After reflecting deeply on the events of the 18th of March, 2023 and the subsequent resultant legal journeys from the Election Petition Tribunal to the Court of Appeal, which came to a conclusive end on the 21st day of November, 2023, it has become morally imperative for me to make a statement at this point, first of all, thanking you, my avowed supporters, for standing by me throughout the tortuous political journey that started from the Party Primaries to the general elections and the events that followed. For me, it  was an adventure that I have no regrets whatsoever embarking on.

I am fulfilled that I followed my heart and the pieces of advice from a number of you to pursue a course I believed in. If I did otherwise, it would have amounted to a betrayal of trust on my part, and I probably would have been drenched politically, going forward. I did not set out on a ‘war’ path against any individual or group of persons; I followed my personal convictions, and I am glad that I took it FROM START TO FINISH. 

Now that the ‘battle’ is over to the glory of God, my soul is at peace with itself, regardless of the outcome. At this point, I congratulate my younger cousin, Brian Odey, on his political fortunes and wish him the best in his efforts to give us effective and impactful representation in the State House of Assembly, and will make myself available to render support to him, morally and otherwise, for the good of our dear constituents who were the reason for my struggle in the first place.

I thank in a great measure, my ardent supporters (who cut across party lines); my Party Leaders, Stakeholders and benefactors, for all the sacrifices, commitment and prayers while the struggle lasted. The good Lord that knows the hearts of men (and women) will reward you all appropriately.

My family members who suffered great forbearance as a result of my almost total detachment from them while it lasted deserve my sincere commendation and appreciation. In the words of the legendary Bob Marley, “When one door is closed, many more is open”. It is certainly not the end of life; it is rather the beginning of new opportunities. 

Rest assured that any political decision I decide to take, going forward, would be collective, and, of course, after due consultations with all critical stakeholders.

God bless you all. SHALOM.