Empowering the Igede Tribe: Paving the Path to Inclusive Representation and Prosperity


In the heart of Yala 2 Constituency in Cross River State lies the vibrant Igede tribe, a tribe teeming with cultural diversity and heritage. Yet, amid this tapestry of identities, an issue of paramount concern emerges—a struggle for equitable representation that addresses the marginalization faced by the core Igede population. The solution? A resolute push for inclusive representation that transcends boundaries and uplifts the Igede tribe to newfound heights of empowerment.

For years, the Igede people, forming the majority in the Igede tribe, have been caught in a web of disparity—an uneven distribution of resources and opportunities that has cast them into the shadows. The influence wielded by the Ezekwe and Okpodon villages, bolstered by their affiliations, has perpetuated a cycle of neglect that has lingered for far too long.

The realm of politics paints a telling picture of this imbalance. Key positions within the local government system have been dominated by members of Ezekwe and Okpodon villages, leaving the voices and aspirations of the Igede people to fade into the background. This calls for a radical shift in the dynamics of governance, where every faction is rightfully represented.

The concept of government representation goes beyond political theory—it is the cornerstone of inclusive growth and development. The Igede people, with their distinct cultural heritage and diverse perspectives, stand deserving of an active role in shaping their local political landscape. For this to materialize, members of the Igede tribe must be granted the opportunity to hold pivotal positions and contribute to the critical decision-making processes that shape their future.

Liberating the Igede tribe from the shackles of marginalization demands a united front. It necessitates the unwavering collaboration of the community, government bodies, and stakeholders. Only through open dialogues, where grievances are addressed head-on and practical pathways to empowerment are identified, can the true potential of the Igede tribe be unlocked.

In essence, the present moment demands that the status quo be shattered—a clarion call for an inclusive and thriving Igede Tribe in Igede Ward. With fair representation at its core and an unwavering dedication to fostering equality, the Igede tribe can transcend its current limitations. This journey toward empowerment does not only hold significance for the Igede Tribe; it ripples outward, impacting the entire Yala Local Government Area, Cross River State, and the entirety of Nigeria.

As penned by Clement Alegu, a visionary with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree and an ongoing pursuit of a PhD, the article resonates as a rallying cry. It embodies the collective call for inclusivity, the pursuit of equitable representation, and the commitment to a brighter future—one where the Igede tribe stands front and center, steering the course of their destiny with unwavering resolve.

– Clement Alegu, BSc, MSc, MBA, ICEN, CIBN FIMN, PhD

 Writes from FCT, Abuja