BREAKING: Hilda Baci breaks World Record for cooking


Hilda Baci has broken the current Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual in the world.

Lata Tondon set a record of 87 hours and 45 minutes in India in 2019, but the Nigerian chef blew past that record at 7:46 am on Monday, May 15, 2023, clocking 87 hours and 46 minutes.

The 27-year-old Akwa Ibomite has been cooking nonstop since 4 pm on Thursday, May 11, and plans to keep cooking till 4 pm today to reach her record goal of 96 hours.

The Cookathon by Hilda which started out slow on Thursday, has now become a viral sensation with a massive wave of support from Nigerians and many others around the world

 politicians, celebrities and ordinary Nigerians have called her or stopped by to encourage her at the Amore Gardens, Lekki Lagos State where she has been cooking.

Support has also been pouring in from brands like Vesti, Zaron Cosmetics and many others.