Gov. Ayade Intensifies Efforts To Achieving Universal Health Coverage As He Commissioned Another PHC Facility In Boki.

Ntem Chris.

Following the passionate interest of governor Ben Ayade’s led administration in making sure that average Cross Riverians continue to get access to quality healthcare service delivery amongst the very numerous achievements in the health sector all in a bid to ensure that the state achieve Universal Health Coverage, the governor has through his hardworking, committed and result oriented director general of the cross river state primary healthcare development agency Deaconess Mrs. Abasioffiong Offiong commissioned a Primary healthcare facility in Bambariko community of Beebo/Bumaji Ward in Boki LGA of CRS facilitated by the community.

Speaking on behalf of His Excellency during the event, Deaconess Mrs Abasioffiong Offiong charged the people of Bambariko and environs to take care of their facility, protect it and utilize the varieties of the services that are to be rendered therein.

While educating the people on the essence of Primary Health Care, she pointed out to the fact that Primary Healthcare enables health systems to support a person’s health needs from health promotion to disease prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, palliative care and more. Emphatically, she said this strategy also ensures that health care is delivered in a way that is centred on people’s needs and respects their preferences as such they should not resort to self medication whenever they are sick but should seek medical services from the facility.

Mrs Offiong assured the people that all that is needed for the smooth running of the facility will be made available while commending the state governor Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade (CON) and his amiable wife Dr. Linda Ayade for revamping the health sector of the state and bringing medical services to the doorsteps of cross riverians. She admonished the entire Boki people to continue to support this administration as well as the incoming one.

Also speaking on behalf of the traditional rulers, the village head of the community, Chief Ignatius Yankette elatedly thanked Governor Ben Ayade, the Commissioner for health, Dr Janet Ekpenyong and the DG of CRSPHCDA for the love and support while assuring the government of CRS of the readiness of his people to make judicious use of the facility and protect it from any damages. He rededicated their support to Governor Ayade’s administration appreciating the health pro leader for prioritizing the health sector from the beginning of his administration.

Present at the event were Hon. Amos Otu the ward Councilor, the PHC director of Boki LGA, Mrs Ikobi Rose Banku and a host of other very important dignitaries. In a vote of thanks, Hon. Otu charged his people of Bambari community not to wait for government supervision but to actively do it themselves and in a situation where the health workers refuse to go to work or make themselves available for service delivery, they should be reported to the PHC director. He on his part poured encomiums on the state governor for having their community at heart and the DG for facilitating the process and making a significant impact in the agency judging from her numerous achievements within a space of weeks.

Highlight of the event was the official commissioning of the facility, inspection tour around the facility, free medical outreach and facilities visit by the DG across Boki and Etung LGA with an intention to identify major challenges bothering such facilities for immediate solutions.