World Teachers Day: Hon. Godwin Offiono lauds Teachers, expresses his willingness to Partner with Them.

As October 5th of every year is celebrated nationally and globally as World Teachers’ Day, the Member representing Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency and Deputy Chairman, House Committee on Police Institutions, Hon. Godwin Offiono, on the occasion of this year’s World Teachers’ Day celebration,has lauded Teachers in his constituency, Nigeria and globally, for their role in societal development. 

The MP expresses his hope and willingness to partner with Teachers in the development of Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency. According to the Honourable, Teachers take a hand, open a mind and touch a heart; they’re the foundation for societal development. 

Hon. Offiono pledges his determination to work with his colleagues on bills, motions, interventions, and so on, to strengthen the teaching profession, promote professional development of teachers and young people mobilized to serve in schools, as well as empower Teachers through improved welfare packages, amongst others. He also called on Government at all levels to prioritize the welfare of teachers and improve the infrastructural and educational materials to ease teaching and learning, as well attract more interests to the profession. 

Happy Teachers’ Day to Teachers in Ogoja/Yala and the world at large.