Water Quality: Minister calls for partnership in ensuring safer water supply in Nigeria


The Honorable Minister of water resources and sanitation, Professor Joseph Utsav has called on stakeholders, philanthropists and the private sector to partner with government for the supply of safe, clean and hygienic water in Nigeria.

The minister made the call while speaking on the topic; “Effective public-private partnership for the supply of safe, clean and hygienic water” at the Rite Place Health Water Quality Dialogue tagged “WE ARE WHAT WE DRINK” held virtually in Abuja on Thursday.

Represented by the director water quality control and sanitation of the ministry, Mrs. Elizabeth Ugoh, the minister said that to achieve the sustainable development Goal #6 (To ensure access to water and sanitation for all) by 2030 that there is need for private-public partnership.

“collaboration by all relevant Stakeholders, transparency, and clear roles and responsibilities are essential for successful PPPs in safe water supply management.”

“By this, we contribute to achieving the SDG 6.1, which aims for universal access to safe and affordable water for the wellbeing of the populace.”

On her part, the Director General of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) Prof Moji Adeyeye represented by Mrs. Iloputaife Adaora who spoke on the topic titled “GUIDELINES FOR EFFECTIVE WATER TREATMENT IN NIGERIA“ reeled out NAFDAC’s guidelines for water treatment, types of water treatment and the treatment process.

“When treating water, several factors need to be considered to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the treatment process. Here are key factors to take into accounts: Water Quality Analysis: Analysis of raw water, Water source: Public Mains, River, Stream, Borehole etc., Water usage: Drinking, Industrial processes, Agriculture, Recreation. Regulatory Standards: N.I.S and NAFDAC Guidelines”

“Potable drinking water systems use different water treatment methods to provide safe drinking water for their communities. Facilities that produces potable water often use a series of water treatment steps that include coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection.

As part of the strategies of NAFDAC in achieving its mandate, regulations and guidelines are put in place to ensure effective water treatment for packaged water in Nigeria”

Speaking during the Dialogue Dr Chukwumezie Okolo, The President of RITE PLACE GROUP who is also the host of the program spoke on “Driving Innovative Technologies & Solutions for Water Treatment in Africa”

Dr Okolo said that Rite Place has forged a technical partnership with water treatment companies anchored on deploying diverse options of agile Water Treatment System in Nigeria and Africa at large and that the organization is ready to partner with government and other stakeholders. 

“we want to eradicate waterborne diseases, improve quality of life, and save people money so they can live better, and we are willing, ready, and open to partnering with any Government Ministry and Agency, as well as reputable organizations in the private, public, and non-profit/development sectors on this laudable Project of fighting waterborne diseases”.

“Nigerians, especially those at the grassroot need access not just to alternative sources of water supply but more importantly clean, safe, and hygienic water”.

Together, lets fight waterborne diseases…we can make it happen if we join hands”

Mr. Daniel Salka Audu Acting General Manager, FCT Water Board Represented by Mr. Mohammed Shehu who spoke on “Sustainable Water Treatment Solutions” emphasized on the need to meet global demand for safe drinking water in Nigeria and to meet this, water treatment must be taken seriously. He said that urbanization, population, industrialization and climate change have impacted negatively on water sources. He assured the audience that the treatment processes undertaken by the FCT Water board are top notch for delivering safe clean and hygienic water.

Participants who were in attendance during the 2hours dialogue asked questions and had robust interaction.

The Rite Place Water Quality Dialogue Series (We Are What We Drink) is aimed at driving conversations around water quality and supply of safe, clean and hygienic water in Africa.

RITE PLACE HEALTH INITIATIVE is an indigenous non-profit organization on a mission to uplift rural communities by providing access to quality healthcare as well as fostering youth leadership and good governance in Africa. The Organization serves as veritable forum for collection of ideas and resources aimed at improving socio-economic, health and moral standards of women, youth and children, especially by addressing the wider social determinants of health. They can be reached at www.riteplacehealth.com