The Mater Dei Day International Nursery and Primary School Ogoja (MDDISO) Alumni Class of 2005 embarked on a heartwarming journey down memory lane, visiting their beloved Alma Mater in honour of World Teachers’ Day (commemorated on the 5th of October) and the school’s 45th anniversary.

Their two-day sojourn, which took place on October 9th and 10th, 2023, was a truly special occasion. Particularly, the 9th of October holds a profound significance as it marked the school’s remarkable 45th year since its inception. Incredibly, the school’s journey began on the 9th of October in 1978 with just 45 pupils in nursery one. Fast forward 45 years, and it has flourished into an institution that has nurtured and produced thousands of accomplished individuals excelling in diverse careers and endeavours.

On the first day, October 9th, 2023, the alumni class representatives, Mr. Clement Mose @clement_mose and Mr. Paul Monkom, were honoured to meet with Chief Ujum Francis Morphy, the assistant head teacher of MDDISO. In this meeting, he unveiled the school’s impressive track record, including triumphs in state-level competitions and maintaining a vibrant student body of over 1,200 pupils, showcasing the institution’s excellence. Following this, the representatives enjoyed a guided tour of the school, spanning from the Creche to Primary 5. The highlight of the day was the heartwarming reunions with some of their former teachers, beautifully captured in photographs.

On the second day of their visit to their #Alma_Mater, October 10th, 2023, the representatives shared a special moment with the current pupils during their morning assembly. They inspired the pupils by sharing their dreams and emphasizing the boundless possibilities awaiting them in the future. Later, they had a worthwhile interview discussion with the Headmistress, Rev. Sr. Dorothy Atsu (HHCJ), where she reiterated the school’s remarkable achievements and also highlighted the current challenges the school faces and the projects she hoped the Alumni body could assist the school with.

According to the Headmistress, “the pressing issue at hand is the inadequate school bus system. At Present, the institution operates only three underperforming buses that are in constant need of repair. These vehicles struggle to cover the extensive areas where a significant number of the pupils reside. This transportation shortfall has led some parents and guardians to withdraw their children from the school due to the lack of a reliable school bus system. It is of utmost urgency to provide a safe and efficient means of transportation for the pupils.”

Currently, the school conducts its assemblies in the open, a practice that becomes a challenge during adverse weather conditions like rain or during examinations and other school events. Building an assembly hall would ensure that school activities can continue uninterrupted. Furthermore, upgrading to modern teaching tools, such as white marker boards, would significantly enhance the learning environment and facilitate better instruction.

In addition to the aforementioned challenges, the Headmistress, Rev. Sr. Dorothy Atsu (HHCJ), identified several additional projects that would greatly benefit from support. These projects include but not limited to; expanding recreational amenities to enhance pupils’ well-being, acquiring extra canopies and chairs for outdoor events, creating a comprehensive school database website to boost online presence and communication, and planning for the installation of solar panels as an alternative energy source.


Rev. Sr. Dorothy Atsu (HHCJ), in her wisdom, goes on to inspire alumni from various graduating classes to consider their collective social responsibilities toward their beloved alma mater. She views this not as a mere act of giving back, but as a pledge to nurture the place where their educational journeys commenced.

As reported on their instagram page, the #MDDISO Alumni Class of 2005 @mddisoalumniclassof2005 pledge to support their Alma Mater, starting with the promotion of academic excellence to uphold the school’s cherished motto, “love for knowledge.”

“Mater Dei Day Inter School, wondrous name, great, and beautiful…” These are the opening lines of the #MDDISO anthem, and as proud alumni, we are dedicated to upholding these words.

We are wholeheartedly dedicated to doing our utmost to address the challenges currently faced by the institution and ensuring that #MDDISO continues to thrive in the years ahead. We implore other alumni members to unite and transform these challenges into opportunities, fostering a lasting legacy for our beloved Alma Mater.

As we stand at the threshold of change and progress, let us remember that it’s within our power to make a meaningful impact.

Let’s continue to celebrate our roots and sow the seeds for a brighter future.

This is a PASSIONATE CALL TO ACTION for a collaborative endeavor to provide support, empower, and build a brighter future for their cherished Alma Mater.

Kindly join us across social media groups via if you are willing to join in ensuring that the name, “Mater Dei Day Inter School”, remains wondrous, great, and beautiful!