CHRISTMAS: Hon. Godwin Offiono Felicitates with constituents, preaches Peace.


On this special day commemorating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, Hon. Godwin Offiono, the Member representing Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency, extends warm wishes to his constituents and the Christian community, celebrating the joyous occasion of Christmas.

The MP emphasized that Christmas provides an opportunity to strengthen our connection with God by engaging in humanitarian efforts and spreading love.

He encouraged Christians to be good ambassadors of Christ on Earth by practicing His teachings, highlighting that Christ was born to save mankind from destruction. During His time on earth, Christ lived a peaceful life and taught us to be our brothers’ keepers. He thus admonished Christians to extend their hands of benevolence to one another.

He invoked prayers for peace, joy, happiness, and divine protection to prevail throughout the festive period.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year!